The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body on Earth. I think it’s interesting that the president can elect someone into the Supreme Court. If that justice wanted to go against that president in a case, they were allowed to do that, even if that president appointed them. If the president were to do something that broke the law, because the justices are supposed to follow the laws, say what they may or may not do, and they aren’t allowed to avoid controversy. Now, the American people accept the court's authority but back in the day, society did not accept the Supreme Court justices. When Dred Scott claimed his freedom under the act of congress, it caused an uproar within America, they said that black could not follow the constitution because they were not citizens. After the war, the constitution was amended and banned slavery. The history of the Supreme Court is fascinating, what they went through to become a co-equal branch, and all the cases they had that changed America forever is just mind-boggling to me. Without the Supreme Court, America would not be the same America as it is today.  


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