Online Presence

My online presence is not that public. Although I have almost 5,000 followers on Instagram I tend to not post about my life. My online footprint is also not very large. I do not have my own website, besides this one, or any other type of blogs that could lead the public deeper into my life. I find myself on social media apps constantly throughout the day. The ones I use the most are Instagram, Facebook, and I am currently obsessed with watching Tik Tok videos. Literally, I could watch them for hours. (They are ADDICTING!) The content I post to these platforms are with my friends, family, where I am vacationing, and if I find myself taking a cool photo I will also post that. But I do not post often at all. On Facebook, I never post photos and am only tagged in them. On Facebook, I tend to repost cute videos of puppies running around and that's about it.

If a visitor were to go to my page they could learn about where I attend school, what state I am from, and who my friends are. They can also find out where I go on vacations, and my love for dogs, as I always make them my stories. My private information on Instagram and Facebook is my email because I used to work with brands to post their products. I would love to have a large following on social media platforms but I find myself getting too anxious to post. I think social media can make someone depressed and feel lonely because they constantly see friends, family, influencers, and celebrities posting pictures and videos of themselves being happy and traveling. Meanwhile, most of these people are just as depressed but only post the happy stuff. If people were to step back and realize that people only post happy content and not sad content they wouldn't be as depressed. Not everything you see on social media is true!


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