Privacy, Online & Off

While watching these Ted Talks, I freaked out just like I did when learning about the Five Eyes. I think it was very interesting how Juan Enriquez compared Facebook, LinkedIn, Cell Phones, GPS, etc.. to tattoos but they are electronic tattoos. There is also face recognition. I never thought about how if someone randomly takes a photo of you while out and without knowing you they would be able to get your information to social media sites, criminal records, credit scores, LinkedIn and more. They can sell your information for advertising. Our electronic tattoo will live on further than we ever will. I think privacy now is unknown. Everyone knows everything and is able to figure out someone's life in a matter of a few minutes just by knowing their name. Everyone's online privacy matters and people should be more considerate as to what the put into the online world. These videos definitely made me realize that I need to be more careful about what is on my electronic tattoo and what will define me in the future.


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