The Five. Eyes.

During a recent presentation, I was assigned to learn and teach the class about the Five Eyes. To my surprise, the five eyes are extremely scary. Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance group, and they collect information of military or political value. It is comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States (this was very random to me too!) They are bound by the UKUSA agreement, the United Kingdom - United States of America Agreement, for cooperation in signals intelligence, military and intelligence, and human intelligence. SO basically they are spying on each others citizens and then giving them the information. They are the largest spying network in history, and most of what goes on are not known. They were created after World War 2 and continue on to this day.

Five Eyes tell each other everything but withholds information from other alliances but will share with others for a case by case basis. There are other intelligent groups like 9 eyes, 14 eyes, and NATO but nothing beats the Five Eyes. As our World continues to make advances in technology we have only made it easier for them to spy on us. There has been heightened surveillance of online activity. They are also not controlled by the government, which gives them the power to spy over citizens of member states. Learning about the Five Eyes, was extremely scary but also eye-opening because I never even knew they existed. Make sure you clear your data so they can't spy on you as easily!


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